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    18:00 - The Wonderful World Of Musicals (Adrian & Fizz) 09 JUL 2024

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Minister, Notting Hill Methodist Church

The Rev Paul Wood



The Weekend Breakfast Show

With The Rev Paul Wood Who needs a cup of coffee in the morning when you have The Weekend Breakfast Show! Three hours of the biggest hits from the world of stage and screen to put a spring into your step and start your weekend right!   CONTACT THE SHOW -

Paul developed a passion for God and Musical Theatre at junior school. Miss Kyte an inspirational teacher, and amazing pianist was the Musical Director of the local Amdram society introduced him to the shows of the day. Whilst Mrs Patilla, another teacher shared her faith, love of God and inclusive nature of the church.

By the time Paul had reached the age of 10 he had persuaded his Dad to extend the garden shed and convert it into a theatre! The Little Hut Theatre had lights, a sound system, and a full set of tabs. Shows would be rehearsed for weeks before everyone in the neighbourhood was dragged in to see them!

Having taken bit parts in various amdram productions Paul turned his attention to working backstage at the Pomegranate Theatre, Chesterfield, as both Assistant Stage Manager and Deputy Stage Manager on “the book”. It was at the Methodist Chapel in Shirland, Derbyshire that Paul honed his skills as Musical Director and Conductor, where he played the organ, conducted the gathered choir and MD the village panto.

Paul eventually went to study for a degree in Music and Education during which time he conducted his first stage musical: Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
Paul has worked as a Butlins’ Redcoat and an Infant and Nursery School Teacher. Whilst working as a teacher he MD’d shows in both Nottingham and Australia. Eventually, Paul felt called to ministry in the Methodist Church. His first appointment was in Durham where, alongside work, he MD’d for several local theatre groups including Durham Musical Theatre Company.

Paul now lives and works with his partner Ian in London. He is the minister at Notting Hill Methodist Church. The Church has made a commitment to reaching out the theatre industry giving Paul the opportunity and privilege to indulge his passion for theatre and be there for members of the industry. Paul says, “I’m so glad I found Box Office Radio! Its programming is so eclectic, which mirrors my own musical tastes. I consider it an honour to be contributing to the schedule and I hope to work with the Box Office Radio listeners to put together a programme that we’ll all want to share with our friends.”



My Favourite Musicals are – The Producers and Two Strangers (Carry a Cake across New York)

My Favourite Movie is – The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert

My Favourite Song is – Usually the next one I’m about to play!

The First Musical I Saw was – Guys and Dolls

My Favourite Performer is – Sam Tutty

My Other Favourite Thing is – Chocolate!




