18:00 - The Wonderful World Of Musicals (Adrian & Fizz) 09 JUL 2024
AUDIO BoxOff_Admin
AUDIO BoxOff_Admin
AUDIO BoxOff_Admin
AUDIO BoxOff_Admin
AUDIO BoxOff_Admin
AUDIO BoxOff_Admin
AUDIO BoxOff_Admin
BEDS BoxOff_Admin
The name doesn’t really give much away, but I’m so glad this Kiln Theatre rom com transfer has hit the West End. It has smash hit written all over it!
On paper it does sound random as two unsuspecting lost souls are brought together for a family wedding. Dougal (Sam Tutty) travels to America to meet his long lost dad, wedding invitation in hand, he is greeted at the airport by Robin (Dujonna Gift) sister to the bride and as the story unfolds we follow this unlikely pair on a journey of mischief and discovery.
Jim Barne and Kit Buchan’s script is sharp and witty; the perfect mix of comedy and drama brilliantly executed by Sam Tutty and Dujonna Gift, the casting is simply perfect. A cute, loveable, geeky Dougal played by Sam Tutty has the audience on side almost instantly, constantly referring to the stereotypes of New York and quoting films with every line executed to perfection. Tutty’s comic timing is on point, he has such stage presence and in an overly competitive industry he holds his own and shows that this is where he is meant to be. With such an incredible singing voice, it’s not long before he wins over the hearts of everyone in the auditorium and I mean everyone.
Playing alongside Dougal is Robin (Dujonna Gift), standoffish and dismissive it takes a while for the character to open up but when she does the story takes a few unexpected twist and turns and Dujonna Gift isn’t messing around. Like Tutty, her timing is impeccable and she provides the perfect character to bounce off. The chemistry between the two is electric. Gift, as Robin, drives the plot and her energy is infectious. She also has a faultless American accent.
I love each musical number and there are no weak links. High energy to heartfelt, each song transitions from dialogue to song and back seamlessly. Comedy to drama, the actors are simply incredible. Soutra Gilmour’s set is simple, different sized mismatched suitcases are cleverly used to carry the running theme of travel, as well as opening up to create the different scenes and scenarios. The revolving stage (excuse the pun) is the icing on the cake.
By the end of the piece you are so invested and rooting for the pair, will they, won’t they? And to find out I’m afraid you’ll have to get a ticket, but don’t worry you won’t be disappointed!
This show was reviewed on the 25th April 2024 at The Criterion Theatre where the show is now running until the 31st August 2024. Tickets available here: Two Strangers (Carry a Cake Across New York) the Musical | Criterion Theatre London | Official UK Site (
Photo credit: Tristram Kenton
Written by: BoxOff_Admin