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Babies The Musical

today14/06/2024 31 26

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Having seen the concert version of Babies at the Lyric Theatre in November 2023 we enter The Other Palace auditorium filled with anticipation. Will the Babies fledge in to a fully blown musical or will it need a longer gestation period?

As we enter the auditorium we see a newly-conceived open set. Lockers and tables are scattered around and two towers dress the back of the stage. Lights down and immediately the track ‘Baby, Baby, Baby’ launches us to the world of the chaotic world of Year 11. They are about to start a new Personal and Social Health project – they will become parents for week. The audience is packed with energy as we meet 9 members of the class, each approaching parenthood in a different way. Some are excited, some in denial, some are sure this will strengthen their relationship whilst others are too busy posting every moment of their lives on their socials for their devoted followers!

Meet Jasmine (Lauren Conroy) she’s well up for the new challenge because she knows that through hard work she is good at everything. Ben, (Max Mulrenan) is in love with social media sensation Becky and together they plan to be the perfect family. Grace (Viola Maisey) and Alex (Ashley Goh) seem to be unphased by the project – until they realise it might affect their social life, whereas Toby (Bradley Riches) and Lulu (Lucy Carter) can’t wait to have something to care for. Enter Jacob (Nathan Johnston), the hot guy who mysteriously has been away from the school – what possible use will he be? As for Leah (Zoe Athena), the one who spends more time in detention, she really isn’t up for the challenge and just can’t be bothered. This show is definitely an ensemble piece and the writers Jack Godfrey and Martha Geelan have certainly found a way to enable each character to shine. This is enabled by the babies!

The arrival of the fake babies given to each classmate acts as a sort of powerpack, illuminating the life and character of each pupil. The music of this show is infectious, and I find I can’t get the tracks out of my head – a sign of a great show. There are good numbers and some great numbers including ‘Hot Dad’, where, when the boys get together, they seem to metamorphosise into a boy-band. ‘My New Best Friend’ makes the entire audience want to give Lulu (Lucy Carter) the loveable (yet ignored) downtrodden buffoon, a big hug. Lulu grows in comic stature and personality throughout the piece – especially in the second act – and is so much fun to watch. It’s worth the price of the ticket just to see her!

With such a powerful ensemble piece it’s probably wrong to praise one person so I’ll praise two! Lauren Conroy’s portray of Jasmine is a masterclass in power, determination and self-doubt. Belting out her songs like a crazed Matilda having a prolonged breakdown. Each time she sings she brings the house down. Zoe Athena (Leah) brings the heartache with some of the most moving ballads but sadly doesn’t get the applause she deserves because of the way the director has chosen to move the scenes along.

I have long said that you can write a musical about anything. Some subjects take a little more imagination. Certainly, when I have tried to explain Babies to friends they have looked a little bemused. However, this is certainly a musical not to be missed and one you will remember for a long time to come. I’ll go as far as to say I think a new cult musical has been born which is going to gain a huge following as it grows up.

Book a babysitter – you’ll want to spend time with these kids!

This show was reviewed on the 12th June 2024 at The Other Palace, London where it runs until the 14th July 2024.  Tickets available here: Babies The Musical – The Other Palace Theatre

***** stars

Paul Wood

Join Paul every Wednesday and Friday from 3pm for ‘The Afternoon Show’ here on Box Office Radio

Photo credit: Matt Crockett

Written by: Emma Rowley
